Ryan Sit

New York, NY
Ryan Sit is an award-winning journalist, production coordinator at Inside Edition and former Staff Writer for the New York Daily news. He's a breaking news reporter who's written extensively on law enforcement, the criminal justice system and politics. His original reporting led to the demotion of several top officials in New York City in 2016. His breaking news coverage of Akai Gurley's killing contributed to the later conviction of NYPD Officer Peter Liang.


Ryan Sit

Breaking News
Criminal Justice
Police reporting
Investigative reporting
Social Media
Making hot sauce

I am a journalist and former staff reporter for the New York Daily News covering the New York, the NYPD, breaking news and the criminal justice system.

I have interviewed subjects from prisoners - both convicted and awaiting trial - to government officials, including Mayors Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioners Ray Kelly, Bill Bratton and James O’Neill.

I've broken stories that led to governmental change, including malfeasance within the Administration for Children’s Services that resulted in the suspension and demotion of top officials at the agency in 2016.

In 2014 I broke critical details in the fatal police shooting of Akai Gurley. NYPD Police Office Peter Liang was later suspended, charged and found guilty of second-degree manslaughter.

In addition my reporting on the criminal justice system, I have also covered a myriad of other topics including sports, real estate, New York City Housing Authority, education, weather, politics and the public impact of policies.

My work has also appeared on Inside Edition and been cited on Salon.com and Money.MSN.com.

In 2013, I received the in-depth reporting award from CUNY-Brooklyn College for an enterprise piece on Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s micro-unit apartments initiative. The article exposed why the plan would fail to achieve it’s stated goals of mitigating the need for affordable housing.